Дерзита Ярсатская

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 17:02, 13 июня 2009; ValleyKing (обсуждение | вклад)
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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Чарасис: Покои Девы (Rise of Kunark)
Раса Скелет
Уровень 84▲▲▲ Тир 9 Героический
Очки статуса Нет

Что означает эта информация?


Она - единственная из трех сестер, которую можно усыпить или привязать. Воспользуйтесь этим, пока будете бить остальных сестер.

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Derzith is one of three linked, named skeleton mobs in the area of this zone called The Grand Theater ( 14, 8, 180 ) /waypoint 14, 8, 180. The other two mobs are Xe'ziza of the Jarsath and Thera'ta of the Jarsath. For the purposes of this strategy, they are nicknamed "T","X",and "D". (Their names are hard to pronounce so this was the easiest way to decipher them.) Derzitha of the Jarsath for example is named "D".

A few tricks to these mobs

  • If any one of the mobs runs to the stair way that you used to get into the room, they will drop attack and go back to their original spots. If you are close to killing them and this happens... you must start all over again. Though if you're about to wipe and can make it to the stairs, it is a good chance you will live.
  • Every time the mobs reset back to their original spots, they change positions of where they each stand. You want to get the formation with "D" in the back and "X" and "T" to the left and right of the carpet.
  • The carpet is a safe zone. Stay on it and the mobs do not gain aggro, (this is before the fight). Step off the carpet to the left or right and you will trigger the mobs.
  • Two healers, a mezzer, a tank, and 2 serious DPS players are recommended.
  • If you lack crowed control then the order of attack should be T, D then X.

Steps to killing them

  1. Have your crowd controller jump up on the scroll/button platform just past the safe carpet. He will mezz "D".
  2. Have your tank group taunt "T" and "X" very shortly after or your mezzer will die quickly.
  3. TARGET "T" first! "X" will heal himself near death constantly. Burn down "T".
  4. It is possible to mezz "X". I've seen it done. Not the easiest thing to do, but don't give up trying it.
  5. Once "T" is burned down, then shift your attention to "X". Make sure "D" is still mezzed. Burn down "X".
  6. Once "X" is dead, destroy "D".
Раса: Скелет - чтобы загрузить индивидуальное изображение, нажмите здесь
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Чарасис: Покои Девы (Rise of Kunark)
Раса Скелет
Уровень 84▲▲▲ Тир 9 Героический
Очки статуса Нет

Что означает эта информация?


Она - единственная из трех сестер, которую можно усыпить или привязать. Воспользуйтесь этим, пока будете бить остальных сестер.

необходимо закончить перевод данной статьи


Derzith is one of three linked, named skeleton mobs in the area of this zone called The Grand Theater ( 14, 8, 180 ) /waypoint 14, 8, 180. The other two mobs are Xe'ziza of the Jarsath and Thera'ta of the Jarsath. For the purposes of this strategy, they are nicknamed "T","X",and "D". (Their names are hard to pronounce so this was the easiest way to decipher them.) Derzitha of the Jarsath for example is named "D".

A few tricks to these mobs

  • If any one of the mobs runs to the stair way that you used to get into the room, they will drop attack and go back to their original spots. If you are close to killing them and this happens... you must start all over again. Though if you're about to wipe and can make it to the stairs, it is a good chance you will live.
  • Every time the mobs reset back to their original spots, they change positions of where they each stand. You want to get the formation with "D" in the back and "X" and "T" to the left and right of the carpet.
  • The carpet is a safe zone. Stay on it and the mobs do not gain aggro, (this is before the fight). Step off the carpet to the left or right and you will trigger the mobs.
  • Two healers, a mezzer, a tank, and 2 serious DPS players are recommended.
  • If you lack crowed control then the order of attack should be T, D then X.

Steps to killing them

  1. Have your crowd controller jump up on the scroll/button platform just past the safe carpet. He will mezz "D".
  2. Have your tank group taunt "T" and "X" very shortly after or your mezzer will die quickly.
  3. TARGET "T" first! "X" will heal himself near death constantly. Burn down "T".
  4. It is possible to mezz "X". I've seen it done. Not the easiest thing to do, but don't give up trying it.
  5. Once "T" is burned down, then shift your attention to "X". Make sure "D" is still mezzed. Burn down "X".
  6. Once "X" is dead, destroy "D".