Sentinel's Fate

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 10:01, 29 июня 2009; ValleyKing (обсуждение | вклад) (Создана новая страница размером Первая информация по следующему, уже шестому по счету, дополнению EverQuest II бы...)
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Первая информация по следующему, уже шестому по счету, дополнению EverQuest II была официально анонсирована на игровой выставке SOE "Fan Faire 2009" 26 июня.

  • Это будет Одус! Подробностей пока нет, но уже известно, что события следующего дополнения будут разворачиваться на континенте Одус, известном по оригинальной игре EverQuest, и будут тесно связаны с легендами и преданиями народа керра и расы эрудитов.
  • Максимальный уровень приключенцев и ремесленников возрастет до 90 и игроки получат возможность более гибко определять способности своего персонажа через дополнительные очки достижений и новые ветки способностей.
  • Выход дополнения "Sentinel's Fate" планируется в феврале 2010 года.
  • Вместе с выходом дополнения появится новый стартовый город Халас.

Ниже приведена дополнительная информация, полученная из различных источников и пока не подтвержденная самими разаработчиками. Основные источники - официальный форум, [1]

==Новое дополнение

  • 2 больших открытых зоны. 1 большая контестная зона - Дыра (аналогично Святилищу Чешуи). 12 групповых инстансов.
  • Максимальный уровень гильдий - 90. Новые виды имущества для Залов Гильдий.
  • Новых богов не будет.
  • Групповые и рейдовые зоны будут скалироваться по уровню в определенном диапазоне и появится возможность выбора уровня сложности (легкий, нормальный, сложный). Для некоторых именных мобов уровень сложности также будет изменяться в зависимости от поведения игроков (например, в диалоге с противником вы сможете выбрать опцию "легкий" и на вас нападут мобы поддержки, либо при выборе "сложного" уровня, придется биться с самим именным мобом до последней капли (его) крови.
  • Слайдер БО>ОД, который позволит устанавливать AA slider , when earning xp, you will be able to set a ratio that is earned as aa instead.
  • AA cap to 250. New abilities are going to be added in the KoS and EoF tree's, below what is now the end abilities, these will be passive, in the most part, and used by casting a specific chain of other abilities. добавлено: having read a couple more reports from Fan Faire, it seems unclear if there is going to be new abilities added to the koS and EoF tree's (although I am suspecting this now). What does seem to be definite is that we will be able to spend the 50 points in the EoF and KoS tree's but no more points can be added to the TSO tree. добавлено2 Correct, no more points into TSO, new abilities in the other trees below what is currently the endline abilities.добавлено: If you want to wear L1 Gear to level 60, go ahead. Once you hit 61, it decays.

Second, I specifically asked how the AA was going to be added in SF at the Future Forum; it's 20/20/10 KoS/EoF/TSO.

куда-нибудь добавить The Grey itemization doesn't start until Level 60.

These abilities will be passive for the most part and involve using by casting a specific chain of other abilities.

  • Erudin and Ratonga Lore
  • Mythicals will not be the 'No.1' weapon, but will have another, important, use.
  • grouping, Soloing, Questing all viable and equal leveling options.

Station Cash

Coming very soon is a service where you can, using station cash, have high quality artwork, based on ingame items/characters or your own character delivered directly to your door. This will include a hardback book containing pictures of all of your guildmates. Server transfers will be live on station cash within the next couple of weeks, price will fall to $25. The plan is to make it possible, in the future, to purchase expansion packs and new game keys through station cash. Auto-mentoring

       An auto-mentoring system is being introduced. This will enable you to drop your respective level down to which ever level you want. Without having to have an appropriate levelled group-mate to mentor.

To drop level you will need to visit an NPC in one of the cities, who will drop your level down (using 5 level increments, i.e 25, 30, 35). So not possible for higher levels to run around zones while they are grey and just drop down for named kills.

Everquest Achievments

       There is a system that will allow you to 'show-off' what you have achieved in the game (i.e how many level 80 characters you have, how many destroyer titles you have etc...) in some manner.

New Zones/Thundering Steppes

    Scheduled for release with the next GU (September) is a new zone, The Shard of Love. 

Also scheduled for GU53 is Miraguls Planar Shard, which will have level scaling (and possibly a difficulty select option, this wasnt clear)

       Thundering Steppes is getting a revamp.

TSO zone scaling up

      Some TSO instances will scale-up to T9.

New starter experience and new starter zone

       There is a new starter experience coming. This will include the new, good aligned, city of HALAS. This is expected to go live, as a free update, at the same time as the expansion.

Legends of Norrath

       Set 7 of the LoN cards, Storm Break, goes live on July 9th. This will be the final part of the void series. New loot cards include a cloak with a, once-per-day, clicky effect that completely repairs your gear.

I'll add more news as we have it


      Resistance types are being streamlined down to just Noxious, Elemental, Arcane and Physical.
      Critical damage stats are being consolidated, spell, melee and ranged crit will become just Damage crit. Each class will have a 'critical co-efficient'. The same item may add diffferent critical % depending on the class using it.
      Double-attack and ranged double-attack are being combine to just DA.

Out-leveling gear

       The system they toyed with, and scrapped, some time back is being re-worked. As you out-level a piece of equipment it will lose effectivness in some way.


       Some self-buffs will be consolidated into one spell.

Support Classes

       A lot of support classes (bards/Chanters) are having their abilities refined to reduce the need for multiples in a raid. More buffs are being made multi-use or raid wide.
       Enchanters are being given a lot more crowd-control abilities that are useable in raid situations.


       Summoners are being looked at. Pet survivability is going to be increased. Looking at making summoners a mage equivelant of Rogues in someway (Swashies/brigs will debuff melee damage, Summoners will debuff spell damage.
       Dumb-fire pets will now act like a spell with a debuff and will no longer be killed by aoe etc...


       Some tweaks to Swashies and Brigands, mainly some abilities being swapped between them.


       Over 2000 new recipes for Tier9.
       No Rare Loams in Tier9.
       Some new adornment recipes will be transmuter only.
       Ore nodes will always respawn as ore nodes, gem nodes as gem nodes.

Shader 3.0

       With the next Gu (53) shadeing will be pushed to the GPU (if it is shader 3.0 compatible).

Screenshots etc, shown by devs looked great.


       It has been recognised that Heal-over-time spells come way behind wards and reactives when dealing with large spike damage (mainly in a raid and the hardest heroic setting's). A new component is going to be added to HoTs to make Druids just as viable a main healer in these situations.

Emergency heals

       Emergancy heals are going to be re-evaluated

edit... as I can't seem to type an I or an O without hitting both keys

edit... added info on HoT and emergancy heal changes, also clarified AA changes

добавлено: about Crits and Critical Multiplier: Your item will now give all sorts of critical bonus, not just to a certain type. This isn't a nerf, this is a shift. In return, your Critical Multipliers will be different based on your class. (For example, a Mage will have a lower Critical Multiplier for Melee than a Scout will). This likely allows gear to focus less on blue stats and more on unique effects as a side result.

Первая информация по следующему, уже шестому по счету, дополнению EverQuest II была официально анонсирована на игровой выставке SOE "Fan Faire 2009" 26 июня.

  • Это будет Одус! Подробностей пока нет, но уже известно, что события следующего дополнения будут разворачиваться на континенте Одус, известном по оригинальной игре EverQuest, и будут тесно связаны с легендами и преданиями народа керра и расы эрудитов.
  • Максимальный уровень приключенцев и ремесленников возрастет до 90 и игроки получат возможность более гибко определять способности своего персонажа через дополнительные очки достижений и новые ветки способностей.
  • Выход дополнения "Sentinel's Fate" планируется в феврале 2010 года.
  • Вместе с выходом дополнения появится новый стартовый город Халас.

Ниже приведена дополнительная информация, полученная из различных источников и пока не подтвержденная самими разаработчиками. Основные источники - официальный форум, [1]

==Новое дополнение

  • 2 больших открытых зоны. 1 большая контестная зона - Дыра (аналогично Святилищу Чешуи). 12 групповых инстансов.
  • Максимальный уровень гильдий - 90. Новые виды имущества для Залов Гильдий.
  • Новых богов не будет.
  • Групповые и рейдовые зоны будут скалироваться по уровню в определенном диапазоне и появится возможность выбора уровня сложности (легкий, нормальный, сложный). Для некоторых именных мобов уровень сложности также будет изменяться в зависимости от поведения игроков (например, в диалоге с противником вы сможете выбрать опцию "легкий" и на вас нападут мобы поддержки, либо при выборе "сложного" уровня, придется биться с самим именным мобом до последней капли (его) крови.
  • Слайдер БО>ОД, который позволит устанавливать AA slider , when earning xp, you will be able to set a ratio that is earned as aa instead.
  • AA cap to 250. New abilities are going to be added in the KoS and EoF tree's, below what is now the end abilities, these will be passive, in the most part, and used by casting a specific chain of other abilities. добавлено: having read a couple more reports from Fan Faire, it seems unclear if there is going to be new abilities added to the koS and EoF tree's (although I am suspecting this now). What does seem to be definite is that we will be able to spend the 50 points in the EoF and KoS tree's but no more points can be added to the TSO tree. добавлено2 Correct, no more points into TSO, new abilities in the other trees below what is currently the endline abilities.добавлено: If you want to wear L1 Gear to level 60, go ahead. Once you hit 61, it decays.

Second, I specifically asked how the AA was going to be added in SF at the Future Forum; it's 20/20/10 KoS/EoF/TSO.

куда-нибудь добавить The Grey itemization doesn't start until Level 60.

These abilities will be passive for the most part and involve using by casting a specific chain of other abilities.

  • Erudin and Ratonga Lore
  • Mythicals will not be the 'No.1' weapon, but will have another, important, use.
  • grouping, Soloing, Questing all viable and equal leveling options.

Station Cash

Coming very soon is a service where you can, using station cash, have high quality artwork, based on ingame items/characters or your own character delivered directly to your door. This will include a hardback book containing pictures of all of your guildmates. Server transfers will be live on station cash within the next couple of weeks, price will fall to $25. The plan is to make it possible, in the future, to purchase expansion packs and new game keys through station cash. Auto-mentoring

       An auto-mentoring system is being introduced. This will enable you to drop your respective level down to which ever level you want. Without having to have an appropriate levelled group-mate to mentor.

To drop level you will need to visit an NPC in one of the cities, who will drop your level down (using 5 level increments, i.e 25, 30, 35). So not possible for higher levels to run around zones while they are grey and just drop down for named kills.

Everquest Achievments

       There is a system that will allow you to 'show-off' what you have achieved in the game (i.e how many level 80 characters you have, how many destroyer titles you have etc...) in some manner.

New Zones/Thundering Steppes

    Scheduled for release with the next GU (September) is a new zone, The Shard of Love. 

Also scheduled for GU53 is Miraguls Planar Shard, which will have level scaling (and possibly a difficulty select option, this wasnt clear)

       Thundering Steppes is getting a revamp.

TSO zone scaling up

      Some TSO instances will scale-up to T9.

New starter experience and new starter zone

       There is a new starter experience coming. This will include the new, good aligned, city of HALAS. This is expected to go live, as a free update, at the same time as the expansion.

Legends of Norrath

       Set 7 of the LoN cards, Storm Break, goes live on July 9th. This will be the final part of the void series. New loot cards include a cloak with a, once-per-day, clicky effect that completely repairs your gear.

I'll add more news as we have it


      Resistance types are being streamlined down to just Noxious, Elemental, Arcane and Physical.
      Critical damage stats are being consolidated, spell, melee and ranged crit will become just Damage crit. Each class will have a 'critical co-efficient'. The same item may add diffferent critical % depending on the class using it.
      Double-attack and ranged double-attack are being combine to just DA.

Out-leveling gear

       The system they toyed with, and scrapped, some time back is being re-worked. As you out-level a piece of equipment it will lose effectivness in some way.


       Some self-buffs will be consolidated into one spell.

Support Classes

       A lot of support classes (bards/Chanters) are having their abilities refined to reduce the need for multiples in a raid. More buffs are being made multi-use or raid wide.
       Enchanters are being given a lot more crowd-control abilities that are useable in raid situations.


       Summoners are being looked at. Pet survivability is going to be increased. Looking at making summoners a mage equivelant of Rogues in someway (Swashies/brigs will debuff melee damage, Summoners will debuff spell damage.
       Dumb-fire pets will now act like a spell with a debuff and will no longer be killed by aoe etc...


       Some tweaks to Swashies and Brigands, mainly some abilities being swapped between them.


       Over 2000 new recipes for Tier9.
       No Rare Loams in Tier9.
       Some new adornment recipes will be transmuter only.
       Ore nodes will always respawn as ore nodes, gem nodes as gem nodes.

Shader 3.0

       With the next Gu (53) shadeing will be pushed to the GPU (if it is shader 3.0 compatible).

Screenshots etc, shown by devs looked great.


       It has been recognised that Heal-over-time spells come way behind wards and reactives when dealing with large spike damage (mainly in a raid and the hardest heroic setting's). A new component is going to be added to HoTs to make Druids just as viable a main healer in these situations.

Emergency heals

       Emergancy heals are going to be re-evaluated

edit... as I can't seem to type an I or an O without hitting both keys

edit... added info on HoT and emergancy heal changes, also clarified AA changes

добавлено: about Crits and Critical Multiplier: Your item will now give all sorts of critical bonus, not just to a certain type. This isn't a nerf, this is a shift. In return, your Critical Multipliers will be different based on your class. (For example, a Mage will have a lower Critical Multiplier for Melee than a Scout will). This likely allows gear to focus less on blue stats and more on unique effects as a side result.