Море Песков

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 20:50, 7 ноября 2010; Томдед (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Моря Норрата}} Relative Island: Ro This sea is like a wall of sandstorms that races around the island of Ro. Any ships that dare sail into this maelst...»)
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Моря Норрата
Море Холодных Ветров
Море Спокойствия
Нериусское течение
Море Туманов
Море Скрещенных Мечей
Море Ярости
Море Песков
Пылающее Море
Залив Гантака
Море Черной Воды
Клыкастое Море
Пролив Свободных вод
Котелковое Море
Пролив Двенадцати
Море Мертвого Штиля

Relative Island: Ro

This sea is like a wall of sandstorms that races around the island of Ro. Any ships that dare sail into this maelstrom is soon to be sandblasted and its crew most certainly with it. There is no known passage through this anomaly. What sort of creatures could exist in this sea is unknown. Rumors abound that the massive sandstorm that comprises this region is actually a sentient being. Such babble is usually scoffed at.

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Моря Норрата
Море Холодных Ветров
Море Спокойствия
Нериусское течение
Море Туманов
Море Скрещенных Мечей
Море Ярости
Море Песков
Пылающее Море
Залив Гантака
Море Черной Воды
Клыкастое Море
Пролив Свободных вод
Котелковое Море
Пролив Двенадцати
Море Мертвого Штиля

Relative Island: Ro

This sea is like a wall of sandstorms that races around the island of Ro. Any ships that dare sail into this maelstrom is soon to be sandblasted and its crew most certainly with it. There is no known passage through this anomaly. What sort of creatures could exist in this sea is unknown. Rumors abound that the massive sandstorm that comprises this region is actually a sentient being. Such babble is usually scoffed at.

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