Эпоха Войны

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Эпоха войны (также известная, как Age of Defiance) отсылает к периоду истории Норрата, который был определён охватившей Норрат Раллосианской Войной.

Раллосианская армия, также известная, как армия Раллоса Зека, была армией Огров, которая безнаказанно вторглась на тогда ещё не повреждённый континент людей Антонику. Главнокомандующим армии был Генерал Урдуук.

During the Siege of Gukta, one of the major campaigns of the Rallosian War, the Froglok people were nearly eradicated in what can only be termed a systematic genocide.

The Age of War came to an effective end after General Urduuk made the tactical miscalculation of laying siege to The Temple of Cazic-Thule in The Feerrott. Rallos Zek and Cazic-Thule had a pre-existing pact of allegiance, and Cazic took this insult as a violation of that pact. Consequently, the Greenmist, an ancient biological weapon, was released (ostensibly by Cazic himself) and effectively ended the Ogre campaign and very nearly destroyed the race as a whole. (Survivors of the campaign who were deep in Guk at the time of the release of the Greenmist were cut off from the rest of the Ogre army, and eventually became their own sect, the Thullosians, likely a hybridization of the words "Thule" and "Rallosian.")

Эпохи Норрата
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Эпоха Чешуи
Эпоха Старейшин
Эпоха Монументов
Эпоха Крови
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Эпоха Просвящения
Эпоха Беспорядка
Эпоха Войны
Эпоха Катаклизмов
Эпоха Судьбы

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Эпоха войны (также известная, как Age of Defiance) отсылает к периоду истории Норрата, который был определён охватившей Норрат Раллосианской Войной.

Раллосианская армия, также известная, как армия Раллоса Зека, была армией Огров, которая безнаказанно вторглась на тогда ещё не повреждённый континент людей Антонику. Главнокомандующим армии был Генерал Урдуук.

During the Siege of Gukta, one of the major campaigns of the Rallosian War, the Froglok people were nearly eradicated in what can only be termed a systematic genocide.

The Age of War came to an effective end after General Urduuk made the tactical miscalculation of laying siege to The Temple of Cazic-Thule in The Feerrott. Rallos Zek and Cazic-Thule had a pre-existing pact of allegiance, and Cazic took this insult as a violation of that pact. Consequently, the Greenmist, an ancient biological weapon, was released (ostensibly by Cazic himself) and effectively ended the Ogre campaign and very nearly destroyed the race as a whole. (Survivors of the campaign who were deep in Guk at the time of the release of the Greenmist were cut off from the rest of the Ogre army, and eventually became their own sect, the Thullosians, likely a hybridization of the words "Thule" and "Rallosian.")