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Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 22:29, 3 августа 2012; ValleyKing (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Gavin asks you to deliver a letter to his father, Baron Kaedrin Ironforge upstairs at the Ironforge Exchange. Speak to Assistant Rystan in The Concordium Tower. He's...»)
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Gavin asks you to deliver a letter to his father, Baron Kaedrin Ironforge upstairs at the Ironforge Exchange. Speak to Assistant Rystan in The Concordium Tower. He's up the yellow teleporter. Take Rystan's note to the Baron.

Gavin asks you to deliver a letter to his father, Baron Kaedrin Ironforge upstairs at the Ironforge Exchange. Speak to Assistant Rystan in The Concordium Tower. He's up the yellow teleporter. Take Rystan's note to the Baron.