Безмолвный Город

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 15:50, 12 февраля 2018; Pilgrim77 (обсуждение | вклад)
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EverQuest II информация о зоне
Появилась в
Desert of Flames SC
Диапазон уровней 50-65
Приграничные зоны Зыбучие Пески, Гробницы Неспящих
Тип зоны Подземелье общего доступа
Серии заданий нет

Что значит эта информация?

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Formerly known as Takish'Hiz, home of the Sul'Dal (Sand Elves), this is the legendary original home of the Dal (Elves).


Locked away from living eyes, the Silent City can only be accessed once an adventurer has learned the secrets of finding this buried city within the Living Tombs.

The dungeon known as Безмолвный Город consists of the temple of Anashti Sul and the surrounding city precincts. The temple complex, known as the Temple of Youth, is a unique structure that acts as the center of activity for (original site text drops of suddenly here...)

- From Dungeons in the Desert


Three sections to the zone: Halls of War (where you zone in to), Halls of Learning (garden areas), Temple Court (epic area).

  • Главный вход находится в зоне Зыбучие Пески, в восточной пещере в Заливе Анука. ( -950, -230, -1050 ) /waypoint -950, -230, -1050
  • The back door is located past a turning-bridge in the Statue Court of Гробницы Неспящих, which is crossed by clicking to turn it into place.
  • Note: As of February 2006, there is no longer any access quest for either entrance.


См. Серия Клуб Павлинов.

EverQuest II информация о зоне
Появилась в
Desert of Flames SC
Диапазон уровней 50-65
Приграничные зоны Зыбучие Пески, Гробницы Неспящих
Тип зоны Подземелье общего доступа
Серии заданий нет

Что значит эта информация?

необходимо закончить перевод данной статьи

Formerly known as Takish'Hiz, home of the Sul'Dal (Sand Elves), this is the legendary original home of the Dal (Elves).


Locked away from living eyes, the Silent City can only be accessed once an adventurer has learned the secrets of finding this buried city within the Living Tombs.

The dungeon known as Безмолвный Город consists of the temple of Anashti Sul and the surrounding city precincts. The temple complex, known as the Temple of Youth, is a unique structure that acts as the center of activity for (original site text drops of suddenly here...)

- From Dungeons in the Desert


Three sections to the zone: Halls of War (where you zone in to), Halls of Learning (garden areas), Temple Court (epic area).

  • Главный вход находится в зоне Зыбучие Пески, в восточной пещере в Заливе Анука. ( -950, -230, -1050 ) /waypoint -950, -230, -1050
  • The back door is located past a turning-bridge in the Statue Court of Гробницы Неспящих, which is crossed by clicking to turn it into place.
  • Note: As of February 2006, there is no longer any access quest for either entrance.


См. Серия Клуб Павлинов.